We offer special form property coverage including wind for main street business classes.
- Wind available including all coastal counties
- Limits up to $10,000,000 (Higher limits may be available)
- Business Income
- Equipment Breakdown
- Outdoor Property
- Exterior Signs
- Property Coverage Extension Endorsement
- Earthquake
- Ordinance and Law may be available
- Fire Resistive and Superior Construction Property with wind. No distance to coast requirement.
- Frame, JM, MNC, and MFR Construction Property
- Older properties (with renovations or updates to the roof, HVAC systems, electrical and plumbing)
- Protection class 1 – 7 acceptable, 8, 9 & 10 considered with underwriting review
General Liability
- Liability coverage is provided for your operations and all premises you own, operate, or lease. This protection includes:
– Limits up to $1,000,000 per occurrence / $2,000,000 aggregate (Higher limits may be available)
– Medical payments coverage up to $5,000 - Cyber
Additional Coverages
- Account Receivable
- Depositor’s Forgery
- Employee Dishonesty
- Money & Securities
- New Acquired or Construction Paper
- Outdoor Property
- Signs
- Valuable Paper and Records
- Employee Theft
- Money and Securities
- Forgery and Alteration
- Robbery and Safe Burglary
Eligible Classes
Various office classifications such as accounting, medical, insurance, design, etc.